Hixon Allotments Association

Hixon Allotments A.G.M. - 8th June 2013

· Meeting Opened 11.05AM by Orson Blewitt
o 20 Tenants were present – enough to form a quorum.
o A run through of the agenda was given, including resignations from the committee by Orson & Dave and election / vacancies on the committee.

· Karen Appleton gave a breakdown of the audited accounts for the financial year ending 30/4/2013. 
o A question had been raised over the admin fee charged, this has allowed bulk purchase of insect netting at a reduced price, some still available at £4.55 per running metre. Working capital also meant we have been able to facilitate moving the annual rent date to February. Future planned spend for minor repairs / materials for work days / working capital / 50% planning application fee for shed / entrance. 
o The initial fee was based on a best guess and dry summers can give rise to variable water charges. We do not want to be left to run without sufficient funds available to draw upon.
o Rent has stayed at an equivalent rate – pro rata for the 9 months. The increased rent payable to HPC in line with the RPI has been absorbed.

· Question: Did the current accounts include money for this year’s rent? – This year’s reduced collected rent will be shown in next year’s accounts.
· Everyone was asked if they thought the rate was too much, no-one thought it was excessive.
· Colin Hutchinson raised the possibility of reduced rent for pensioners: this to be discussed further by the committee.
· Accounts to be approved & adopted was proposed by Phil Overton, Seconded by Ron Richardson.

· Dave Jones referred everyone to last year’s minutes on the website, or a copy available from the secretary on request. 

· 8 New tenants over the past 12 months – 2 of which subsequently resigned plots. Waiting list becoming exhausted, anyone who knows anyone who may be interested now or in the future please let the secretary know.

· Policy changed on bonfires / braziers due to property damage from hot debris.

· Work Days will be organised by the committee, where everyone can come and give a couple of hours for minor maintenance tasks & other projects. People were willing to volunteer to help out.

· Building – Update given on current status. Plan passed round for everyone to see. Upon final approval by the new committee planning permission will be applied for by HPC. Quotes will then be required and following that funds raised.

· Entrance – Committee trying to resolve with HPC, especially as people have slipped and fallen on the loose surface. Permanent fix may require planning permission (HPC are going to advise), if so this can be combined with the planning for the building to save additional fees. 

Currently ring fenced fund held by HPC (built the difference between money HPC receive from Wellington Fields Allotments & that paid to John Martin) will be circa £1200 (after this year’s rent paid), insufficient to fund a permanent fix. Committee agreed at pre AGM meet that we could pre-pay some of next year’s rent to HPC to facilitate earlier resolution of fixing the access. Committee will need to discuss this proposal with HPC.

Question Raised: Will the pre-payment be at a cost to the association – No it is just a proposed advance payment of next year’s rent payable to HPC, then when rent is due it will be less the amount already paid.

· Proposal registered by J Carmichael

Questions raised: Are many issues raised regularly – No
Can issues still be raised with committee members – Yes
Can a copy of the minutes go in the notice board for non web users - Yes 

Voting: For keeping the current process & not adopting the proposal.
In Favour: 19 votes
Against: 0 Votes
Abstain: 1 Vote

Meetings will continue in the current format.

· Proposal registered by J Carmichael.

In Favour: 0
Against: 20

· The committee proposes the below alternative variation to rule 49 – Voting at General Meetings, to allow a simpler and more available option available to members:

An addendum to be added to clause 49: Members will have the option to register a proxy vote, where they are unable to attend a general meeting. Notice of items that will be voted on will be sent out in an agenda prior to the meeting. Members will be given enough time to return their proxy vote to the secretary prior to the said meeting. One tenancy agreement shall be entitled to one vote.

In Favour: 18
Against: 2

Motion Carried to amend Clause 49.

· The committee proposes an amendment to the constitution: Note 33 to change the date of closing the accounts from 31st March to 30th April, and Note 39 to amend this date for presenting the accounts to the auditor from 2nd Monday in January to 2nd Monday in May.

In Favour: 20
Against: 0
· Note raised on Clause 40: It should be HMRC inspectors not VAT inspectors, as this is a technicality the change will be adopted.

· Election of Officials
o Chair 
§ Colin Hutchinson
· Proposed - Joy Ashford
· Seconded - Karen Appleton.
§ No other candidates – Colin elected as Chair.

o Secretary
§ Karen Appleton
· Proposed - Dave Jones
· Seconded - Orson Blewitt
§ No other candidates - Karen elected as Secretary

o Treasurer
§ Karen Appleton
· Proposed – Chris Hall
· Seconded – Wendy Field
§ No other candidates - Karen elected as Treasurer

· Election of Committee

In addition to the officials, the following put themselves forward, either at the meeting or by prior notification, for nomination as committee members:
Michelle Creese-Ellin
Chris Hall
Joy Ashford
Wendy Field
Alan Hartley
Rose Jones
Jason Johns

As there are more places than candidates it was decided that rather than do individual proposals & seconding, if there were no objections it could be done en bloc. There were no objections to this
All Proposed by Orson Blewitt
All Seconded by Dave Jones

§ Orson handed over Colin as the new chair.

§ Colin closed the meeting at 12.10PM